Religious Education

 St. Gabriel's Religious Education Facebook Page

Parish Catechetical Leader: Mary Mykityshyn -

RE Office - 732-946-4487 x218/x223 - Mary-x227  - Jess x223

Religious Ed Fall Program

Our Religious Ed fall program will be in person. Classes will be held on a Tuesday from 4:45-6:00pm beginning Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

Summer Intensive Classes with school year supplemental activities.

We will have 3 separate weeks for our summer program 2025-26. Students will attend classes from 8:30AM - 1:30PM. Monday - Friday. Additional activities/experiences will be required throughout the year.  

Students receiving a Sacrament (Grades 3 & 8) will have additional lessons throughout the year – For example: online/ in person lessons or retreat.

All students are expected to attend 4 family activities between September 2022 and April 2023. More information to follow.

Dates for SUMMER 2025:

Religious Education Curriculum

St. Gabriel's Religious Education program is grounded on the traditional teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. We follow the guidelines set by the Diocese of Trenton. Grade 3 is a Sacramental year in which the children are prepared for the reception of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two year process, beginning in grade 7. The reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to those who have successfully completed the Program and have met all Parish, Diocesan and Canonical requirements in grade 9.

We use the following program: Kindergarten, Grades 1-8, Alive in Christ, published by Our Sunday Visitor. This series has an interactive website that can assist you with your child's religious formation. The link to the website is:

The Diocesan Family Life Curriculum

The family life program is in place to offer Catholic moral teaching and development. The series, RCL Benziger, Family Life, focuses on: family, self, life, love and community. The program is taught in grades 1-8. There is a family component to this program. Family Life is taught in the month of January.

First Holy Communion Preparation

First Holy Communion preparation begins in second grade. Students receive the Sacrament of First Communion on April 26, 2025 and May 3, 2025

Students receive First Reconciliation (Penance, Confession) Saturday, February , 2025 11AM

Middle School - Confirmation Preparation

All 7th & 8th graders are required to complete Christian service. Students must have a total of 20 hours combined for both 7th & 8th grade. Students are invited to sign up service projects at St. Gabriel's Church. In addition students may do outside service hours within the community.

8th Graders: Prior to Confirmation, students must complete a Confirmation packet which will be available in January and returned in March. Students will attend a Confirmation Retreat in the fall of 2024 prior to Confirmation. Please see our calendar for all dates.

HOW TO OPT OUT of the Diversity Bill known as CHPE, which requires all public school students to learn about a broad range of topics including: human relationships, mental health, social well being, physical fitness and sexual reproduction. For many families these topics are better addressed at home at a time of the family's choosing. 

CLICK HERE FOR OPT OUT INFORMATION: Understanding Your Rights as a Parent Concerning New Jersey's Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Curriculum for Public School Students

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