
Adult Music Ministry

Join together in song, under the talented direction of our Music Director, Andrew DePrisco. Rehearsals on Thursday evenings, 7:30PM in the Church. Sing at 11:00am Sunday Mass, as your schedule allows. Contact the Music director at

Aids Ministry Hotline

If you need information or help, please call the Monmouth County HIV Support Group at 732-923-7138.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Please call Parish office 732-946-4487 x201

Meetings are held every Monday at 7:30PM in the Church Hall.

Altar Rosary Society

All women are welcome to join the Altar Rosary Society! We meet on the third Thursday of each month and begin with the recitation of the Rosary at 7:30 PM followed by our monthly meeting in the Church Hall. Altar Rosarians care for the altar and encourage devotion to the Blessed Mother through the Rosary We also support our parish and other needs as part of our mission.

Please watch the bulletin and Facebook for our updates, including events

All Parishioners are welcome to send prayer requests to us at Rosarians, if you are ill and would like to receive phone calls or visits, call Lorri Rizzo at 732-740-5178.

New members are always welcome. Bring your daughters, family, and friends.

For more info contact one of the following Committee members:


LENORE RODRIQUEZ        732-580-5013
LORRI RIZZO                        732-740-5178

MAUREEN WALLACE          732-784-9742

CHRISTINA BARBATO         732-778-5915

CATHY KELLY                        646-256-9672

Altar Server


Boys and girls from grade 4 and above who assist the priest at the liturgy.

Baptism Preparation

Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith.

Both parents must attend a Baptism Class. Classes are held the first Monday of the month at 7:30pm. Parents must be registered parishioners and register for the class by calling the Parish Office at 732-946-4487. Baptismal dates cannot be arranged until both parents have attended the Preparation Class. We encourage parents to arrange for their child's baptism while pregnant. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first three Sundays of the month at 12:15PM in the Main Church.

Counseling Services

A joint effort of the Diocese of Trenton and Catholic Charities provides licensed professional for short term counseling (up to 6 sessions) to parishioners dealing with difficult issues, for example, job-stress, family concerns and bereavement. Contact your pastor or parish priest for additional information and referral. The fee is $90 per session, but, if needed, financial assistance is available through the Diocese of Trenton Parish Counseling Services. 

Eucharistic Adoration

The Adoration Pavilion is open 24/7 for Eucharistic Adoration. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance.

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

Minister the Eucharist at Saturday and Sunday Liturgy. The Eucharistic Ministers visit the homebound and those in nursing homes and hospitals to bring the Eucharist and to pray with them for their needs and the needs of the Church.

Proclaim the Word of the Lord at the community Eucharistic celebrations as a Lector.

If you are interested please contact the church office to schedule a training session at 732-946-4487 ext. 201.

Family Life Bureau

The Diocesan Office of Family Life/Respect Life offers a variety of programs designed to support families, the Catholic Church's lifeblood. For information Family Discovery Weekends, Natural Family Planning classes, Marriage Encounter Weekends, Divorced and Separated support groups, Project Rachel (a post abortion counseling program) and Pre-Cana, please call 609-406-7400 or fax at 609-406-7416 or Diocese of Trenton website at

Victims of domestic violence may call their local Catholic Charities office o the Office of Family Life/Respect Life (609-406-7400 ext 5558.

St. Gabriel's Respect Life Representative is Elizabeth Normandia at 347-623-9154.

Troubled Marriage?

See or to find a Catholic based program open to people of all faiths.

Hospital Ministry

St. Gabriel's Hospital Ministry takes Holy Communion to patients at Central State Medical Center, Freehold every Wednesday morning following the 9:00AM Mass. This requires approximately 2 hours of your time once every two weeks.

Contact Jack Becker at 732-536-6373

The Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men founded in 1882 on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Bishop John C. Reiss Council #15964 has been formed to serve the Parish of Saint Gabriel, Marlboro Township and the surrounding community. We invite all practicing Catholic men over the age of 18 who are interested in serving their church and community to consider becoming a Knight of Columbus. For additional information, please contact us by email at or visit our website at

Liturgy Committee

The basic role is to plan, staff, coordinate and execute all regular weekend masses, seasonal liturgies, penance services, First Communion and Confirmation. Another major function of this group is to publicize these various liturgical events and to explain, vis a vis bulletin articles or guideline booklets, the intent or significance of parts of the Mass, special services and Church symbols or practices. Meetings are held before each major liturgical season such as Advent and Lent, to review and recommend uniformity of music, readings and symbols during these periods.

Lazarus Ministry

The Lazarus Ministry is an organized parish response to the needs of a grieving family at the death of a loved one. Lazarus Ministers have been trained to assist families in planning the Mass of Christian Burial in an effort to make the Mass more personal for those who are in mourning. In addition to assisting the family plan the Mass, the Lazarus Minister would also provide support group information if necessary.

Marriage and Pre-Cana

The Sacrament of Matrimony requires a time of preparation. Arrangements are to be made with a priest/deacon of St. Gabriel's at least one year prior to the preferred wedding date. The Church date and time are to be set prior to your reception date and time. There are no Sunday weddings. Either the bride or

groom must call the Parish Office to make arrangements to meet with a priest or deacon - 732-946-4487 ext. 201. Wedding times follow: Friday: 4:00PM, Saturday:10:30Am, 12:30PM and 2:30PM.

The Pre-Cana Conferences or Engaged Encounter must be part of the marriage preparation. All parish Pre-Cana programs now require online registration through the Diocese of Trenton websites Go to click on the the list of events for a complete listing of all marriage preparation program options.

If you are a married couple interested in becoming a Pre-Cana Team Couple, please call 732-946-4487.

Prayers for the Sick

The names of those members of our parish and their families who are ill are listed in the bulletin each week. Anyone wanting to add or remove someone from the list should contact the parish office at 732-946-4487 ext. 201.

Pro-Life Rosary

The Patriotic/Pro-Life Rosary is recited every Wednesday at 7:00PM in the Church.


Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments.

Our Parish offers the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults for anyone interested in joining the Roman Catholic faith or for adult Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Communion and/or Confirmation. If you are interested in participating, please contact the parish office. We also invite members of the parish to assist catechumens in their formation process. For more information, please contact Joseph Visci via email:, or via text or via phone at (917) 922-5551.   

Respect Life

The Respect Life Ministry assure that the message of care for the human person is acknowledged at every stage of life. St. Gabriel's Respect Life Committee actively promotes programs aimed at protecting the unborn and supporting women in crisis before and after birth of their child. We also participate in a spiritually rich program of prayer in support of the Pro-Life Movement.

The Committee sponsors educational programs to transmit important information and/or developments in our society and within the Church which impact the sanctity of life. We proudly and unapologetically stand for LIFE in accordance with and the transmission of Catholic Moral Teaching. Our hope is that all of our efforts rebound to the Glory of God!

If you would like to join our ministry, please call the Parish Office at 732-946-4487.

Respect Life Representative, Domestic Church Radio Liaison and EWTN Media Missionary: Janice Barrett 732-583-6006

For More information on St. Vincent dePaul:

St. Vincent dePaul Society Information


The Parish Vocations Ministry is a lay ministry of men and women formed to create a favorable climate for religious vocations. The Ministry is supported by the Serra Club of Western Monmouth County.

For more information:

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